Wednesday 29 September 2010

Week 1 Photoshop

During the first week of this module we all had our mug-shots taken. These consisted of a frontal and a profile image. The images were then put through the "lens correction" filter within Photoshop. This enabled me to straighten up the images by lining up my ears, eyes and points of the lips. Once this was done, i removed the distortion by removing the fish-eye effect. Both original images were put through the lens correction filter.

I then put the images onto the same file, but different layers. The enabled me to line up my face straight on and from the side. I did this by changing the opacity of the profile image down to about 60% and placed it upon the portrait image, a small amount of resizing and manipulation was required but, once the mouth, eye and nose were aligned i held down shift and moved the profile image back to the side. To make sure that the alignment was correct i used the guidelines that photoshop provided. I lined up my ears, eyes, nose, lips and eyebrows.

Once this was done i can start drawing on the countours of my face. I did this by selecting a blue brush with a thickness of about 3. I went over any creases, or deep facial features. This provided the main outline for my facial topology.

The topology was created out of a thin red brush - thickness of about 2. When doing this i had to make sure that i divided my face up into quadrants if there were any sections without 4 edges it would not work correctly. There is one vital quadrant within this topology, it is situated just below the eye socket and is a diamond. This is a directional changing quad.

Once my entire face was split up into quadrants, i drew on the contours of the profile image. Now this was complete i put the portrait image of my face onto a plane within 3Ds Max. Lastly i put the profile image onto a plane of the same size. These will be used for reference planes when creating my 3D head model.