Sunday 28 November 2010

Animating the first scene

Looking at the gantt chart it was up to me to complete the animation for the opening scene. This was a fairly simple procedure as it was a case of getting the timings right for the trees popping up, the text dropping from the sky and the camera.

The screen shot shows that i have used the curve editor in order to create a realistic falling affect for the text. I also added a squashing effect of the text when it hits the ground, it then expands once the built up energy has been released.

The next step for me would be to create the kayak scene, for this i will use the rigged person.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Modelling the rock climbing and abseiling wall

This was a very simple task that included a box, with a series of different and odd looking shapes placed over it. The image below is the wall at this moment in time. It could be edited at a later date in order to meet specific needs.

Modelling the kayak and paddle

As i had already completed my part of the modelling duties i put my hands up to giving others in the group a hand. Therefore i took up the task of creating the kayak and paddle. I used reference planes and similar tasks to which i used in the head modelling project.

Below are the finished models without textures.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Wednesday 10th November Meeting

Members present: Lee, Karim, Ross, Aaron and Andrew
Room: Sawyers 303A
Time: 0900

This weeks meeting covered the following points:
  • How we will meet the marking criteria
In order to meet all aspects of this we have split the different tasks up, this allows people to focus on their own individual thing, while at the same time contribute to the groups overall progress. See gantt chart for more details.
  • Where we are with our tasks (see gantt chart)
The same as above really, if all tasks are completed within the set deadlines then we as a group should have no problem completing this project to a satisfactory standard. If people dont complete these tasks they will let the group down and this could dramatically affect the end result.
  • What are the next steps for us to take as a group
At this moment in time we are going to keep working on the modelling side of things. Then as agreed, next week we should have all the modelling completed. This will allow us to get on with the animation, and we can piece everything together.

The gantt chart will be updated next week once we know what tasks we will need to get done.

Monday 8 November 2010

Modelling the different activities of "Active Essex"

As you can see by looking at the group blog it was decided that the best way for this this project to take steps forward were to split up the tasks into smaller sections so that individually we could produce different models.

My tasks were to produce both the rock climbing and abseiling scenes. I will obviously be using Autodesk 3Ds Max to create this, but i will also be using images, that we took on Friday at the outdoor activity centre based in Harlow as references.