Wednesday 8 December 2010

Amendments to the head

When previously modelling my head i had able to attach the ear to the model. Now i have been able to do this the result make the model look so much better.

I re-do the topology for the ear. This time i counted out the amount of sides i had to fit the ear to the head. In this case it was 12, I was able to use this number and create 12 edges over my ear topology. Once the ear had been created in the same way that the head had been (using the line tool, and welding the verticies together) I then had the tricky task of joining it to the head. As the snap tool was bugging out, i had to roughly match up the verticies i wanted to weld together by freehand.

With quite a bit of time used manipulating the ear and joining up the verticies, i feel that is was worth it. This feature adds so much more realism to the look of the model.

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