Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation of Project Head

Reflecting back on my mark i previously received i was happy with that, as i was expecting something of a lower score. With the model now improved i feel that i could potentially reach i score i would be extremely happy with.

What went well and what didnt go well?
As previously said i was covering ground very quickly, until i accidently grouped all the modifiers together and ended up with a head that was turbosmoothed and symetrical. This was not ideal as this task required completing work on only one half of the face. This understandably prolonged my speed at which to complete the project. This made texturing rushed and not completed to satisfactory level by my standard.

Overall i feel that the ear is looking extremely good now it has been recreated. Also the Unwrap UVW modifier worked very well. This is an area which needs time spent carefully on it, although this was made even longer by grouping the model together. Ideally i would have liked the head to have looked more realistic, but i still believe it is possible to realise it is thats a plus side i guess :)

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