Wednesday 1 December 2010


In order to create the paint balling scene (that would be filmed in first person) I had to think of a way to manipulate this using a white background. I came across the idea of creating mist from the humans mouth. Using this technique along with heavy breathing, and other sound effects it would create a very good representation.

As I had no previous experience of creating mist I searched the Internet for tutorials until finally I found one for cigarette smoke. I used this up to a point where I needed to change the values to suit myself.

Wind and drag modifiers were added to give realism and direction to the mist. As you can see from the screen shot above, there are many bursts of mist (one for each breath). Initially it was difficult to select an appropriate particle count, but after trial and error within the render area I was able to select a count of approx 90. Looking at the screen shot below the sections outlined in red are the one that have a noticable affect when their values change.

I am adamant that this scene was the hardest to create, but I am also very pleased with the outcome of it. One reason being because I have learnt an extremely useful technique which i can take on to further development in the future.

I also added in paint balls coming from behind the person, this adds to the environment that is being portrayed to the audience.

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