Friday 3 December 2010

Rendering and outputs

The final animation will be rendered in HD (720p). The following specification is what we have decided to use:
  • Width - 1280
  • Height - 720
  • AVI Video Clip
  • Uncompressed & Compressed format
This specification gives the audience a very nice aspect to view the animation in.

What did I have to render?
As we have 5 members of the group we decided to split up the animating and rendering between us. I decided to animate and render the follwing scenes:
  • Opening scene
  • Paintballing scene
  • Zipline scene
  • Ending scene
These have all been produced in a compressed and uncompressed form. The reasons for this are because uncompressed gives a much better finish to the render, but when I previously tried to open up this version in Adobe PremierPro the specific plugins were not installed, therefore I was unable to open up the file, but when using the compressed version it worked fine.

What are the next steps to take?
Once all the group members have got their movies created we will be able to put them all into Adobe PremierPro and then we can start to edit each scene and create our final product, which will be shown to Ellie Constantatou on Wednesday 8th December.

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