Saturday 16 October 2010

Week 3 Creating the Features of the Face

Once the head itself had been produced, I was now able to focus on creating and defining features such as eyes, lips and nostrils. I first looked at the nose, and as there were holes where the nostrils were meant to be, I selected the inner edges and held down shift and dragged the duplicate edges downwards. I made a few amendments to the edges' positions in order to make the nostril area look more realistic. I then had to cut up the polygons in order to make them into quadrants.

As there was still a hole where the nostril was I created another quadrant, but this time used the extrude polygon tool giving it a negative value. The final thing to do on the nostril area was to position them correctly in relation to the nasal cavity.

Next on the agenda were lips. I found these fairly tricky to manipulate. I created these by using the create polygon tool. Once all the polygons were created welded the vertices and then placed them into the appropriate positions by moving each vertex respectively. As you can see from the screenshot below, they do look very good and I am extremely pleased with the way they have turned out.

The most difficult thing so far is definitely getting the eyelids to look realistic. These took about 4 different times until I got a creation that I was happy with. I used the same technique as I used on the nostril in order to create the lids. As you can see from the image below I created another 2 loops of quadrants.

Throughout the creation of all these features I was using the original side of the face as anything I did on this side occurred on the other side of the mirror.

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