Friday 22 October 2010

What went well? What didn't go well?

Throughout this project i have learnt a vast amount of information and techniques within 3Ds max. My aim is to keep using this skills to benefit me in life. I feel that my topology - quadrant relationship was very good, as i am very happy with the overall structure of my model. I was particularly happy with the structure of my mouth and nose. These areas were quite fiddly to get correct. I am also happy with my UVW wrapping skills throughout. I was able to flatten my face so that i could have a good base layer for creating the skin image.

Now on to the areas which didn't go so well. These are from the middle of week 3 onwards. It all started from the ears section. I found it extremely difficult to sew it onto my head. Therefore i have just used the JPEG image of my ear to represent where it should be on the final model. This does let the image down somewhat. I am also not happy with the skin image i created in photoshop. I admit i did not spend enough time on this and it was rushed.

From this extensive project i have learnt that i need to keep to a serious time management structure in order to succeed in the future. On a positive note i do strongly believe that my modelling skills have improved dramatically.

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